Your child throws a tantrum and smashes something? Take out "naughty child insurance". Similarly, buy cover against your bride becoming pregnant before the honeymoon, your team being knocked out of the soccer World Cup, burning your tongue eating hotpot or if smog ruins your holiday。
为了应对低迷的市场环境,国内保险公司近两年屡出奇招,先后推出中秋赏月险(insurance package/policy for full moon gazing)、雾霾险(smog insurance)等吸引公众的眼球,同时希望通过这些新奇的保险方案吸引客户。
今年以来各个保险公司推出的奇葩险种还有“熊孩子险”(naughty child insurance)、“蜜月意外怀孕险”(Accidental Pregnancy Before Honeymoon)、“防小三险”(concubine-proof insurance)、“足球流氓险”(football hooligan insurance),以及“世界杯遗憾险”(World Cup heartbreak insurance)等。
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