拒绝雷同 社交狂人“穿衣重样综合症”(双语)
2014中国教育APP测评报告发布 详细榜单业内声音:在线教育三五年内出现完整体系 视频:指尖上的中国教育 移动时代再创业 濮存昕做客盛典:六字人生心得影响年轻人 台湾培训学校为何衰败 韩国智能在线教育
不知从何时起,穿同一件衣服参加派对变成了很丢脸的事情,尤其不能在社交网站上被发现,于是就催生了一群“换衣狂人”,只要一件衣服的照片上了社交网站,就绝不再穿,这就是Outfit Repetition Syndrome(穿衣重样综合症)。
A survey carried out by Oxfam has revealed that thousands of women are suffering from so-called 'Outfit Repetition Syndrome'. Out of the 2,000 women surveyed, 46 percent said they wouldn't wear their favourite party outfits more than five times。
A spokesperperson for Oxfam said: 'The days of the staple party dress are officially over. As social media usage increases, so does ORS.'
Rachael Adams from Essex, says that after being tagged on Facebook or Instagram in a new dress, she will then banish it to the back of her wardrobe。
'It's social media's fault,' Rachael says. 'You know other people will notice if you wear the same thing twice and you don't want to be seen as boring. '
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