In the future, students should learn all nine subjects and take tests before the gaokao, and they can choose any three elective subjects if their scores are satisfactory. Colleges will then admit students on the basis of the scores of the three subjects, as well as their test results in Chinese, math and English。
新高考将实行“文理不分科”,英文表达是cancel the division of students into different tracks in high school。“文科生”可表达为students on the liberal-arts track;“理科生”可表达为students following the science track。
高考总成绩将实行“3+3”,由test results in Chinese, math and English(语文、数学、英语3科的成绩)和考生自主选择的3个高中学业水平考试科目成绩组成。考生在高考前将参加全部9个文理科目的高中学业水平考试,然后从中选择分数最满意的3个科目计入高考成绩。
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