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  英文联播讯 Hey bae, Oxford Dictionaries are adding some easy-breezy words and senses in this month's update. Don't be a concern troll or creeper, and step away from that kill switch; we think you can self-soothe with these mad exciting words which are anything but lamestream. Anyhoo, no harm, no foul, read on to discover more and upvote us, from selfie stick to brain fade。



  creeper(变态):A person who does weird things, like stares at you while you sleep, or looks at you for hours through a window. usually a close friend or relative.

  Kill Switch: a iPhone or iPad feature designed to deter the growing problem of mobile phone thieves。


  Anyhoo: anywho. anyway, at least。

  brain fade(脑抽): when your mind just goes blank. or when you know the answer but just cant say it you would be sudfferin from brainfade

  lamestream(主流媒体):Something that is so mainstream that pretty much everyone likes it and it becomes lame for that reason。


  Social media and technology

  The world of social media and technology continue to advance apace, and these changes bring new vocabulary with them. The word selfie was crowned Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year in 2013, thanks largely to its use in social media, and it is now joined in OxfordDictionaries.com by selfie stick. This device–‘a rod on which a camera or smartphone may be mounted, enabling the person holding it to take a photograph of themselves from a wider angle’ – has grown hugely in popularity (and, in some corners, unpopularity), as has the term designating it, which is accordingly added to the dictionary。



  The rise of social media also brings with it a rise in a certain sort of troll. The sense of troll referring to ‘a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post’ is already in OxfordDictionaries.com; it is now joined by the specific variety concern troll: ‘a person who disingenuously expresses concern about an issue with the intention of undermining or derailing genuine discussion’。

  社交媒体的兴起也伴随着某种“网棍”(troll)的兴起。Troll指“故意在网上发帖骂人挑衅的人”,牛津词典已经收录该词,现在又有了新变种“搅屎棍”(concern troll)“假装关心某话题,目的是把水搅浑”。

  troll(网棍): One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument。

  concern troll(搅屎棍):A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of "concern," to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don't really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending. (举例说吧,你说要保护人权,他说狗权谁来保护;你说保护狗权,他说猪权谁来保护;你说保护猪权,他说他家的花还被人踩死了。)

  Meanwhile, in the business world, there is the patent troll: ‘a company that obtains the rights to one or more patents in order to profit by means of licensing or litigation, rather than by producing its own goods or services’。



  The noun mainstream (‘the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or conventional’), and the equivalent adjective mainstream, will probably be long-familiar words. Now the informal, derogatory term lamestream is also included in the dictionary: it is a blend of lame (with the sense ‘uninspiring and dull’) and mainstream, and is ‘used to refer contemptuously to the mainstream media’ as both a noun and an adjective。


  Other new words in the spheres of social media, technology, and science include in-app, kill switch, downvote, upvote, revenge porn, cyberwarrior, cybertheft, fintech, cyclogenesis,organoid, telehealth, and weather bomb。

  社交媒体、技术领域和科学界的新词包括in-app,kill switch, downvote, revenge porn, cyberwarrior, fintech, cyclogenesis(风暴形成), organoid(细胞器), telehealth(远程医疗)和weather bomb(极恶劣天气)。

  downvote: “踩”与upvote相对。downvote troll(“喷粪婊”),见什么骂什么的人。

  revenge porn(报复性艳照): Homemade porn uploaded by ex girlfriend or (usually) ex boyfriend after particularly vicious breakup as a means of humiliating the ex or just for own amusement。

  Cyberwarrior(网络斗士):a person who engages in cyberwarfare, whether for personal reasons or out of patriotic or religious belief. Cyberwarfare may be pursued either to defend computer and information systems, or to attack them。

  Fintech(金融技术): Financial technology, also known as FinTech, is a line of business based on using software to provide financial services。


  Slang and topical

  Some terms have grown in popularity because of recent events or topical discussions. In the recent British General Election, much news coverage was devoted to the right-wing political party UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party). Although the party only secured one seat, there was enough discussion to popularize the informal noun Ukipper (orUKIPper) for ‘a member or supporter of UKIP’。


  The run up to the election also saw notable uses of another new entry: brain fade, ‘a temporary inability to concentrate or think clearly’. Prime Minister David Cameron blamed brain fade when he accidentally announced his footballing allegiance to West Ham United rather than Aston Villa, while Green party leader Natalie Bennett said brain fade was responsible for a radio interview that she confessed was ‘very bad’。

  竞选中另一个词也广被应用:脑抽(brain fade),“暂时性不能集中注意力或思考”。首相卡梅伦突然宣布他最喜欢的球队是西汉姆联队而不是阿斯顿维拉,他说这是自己脑抽了。


  Bae was on the shortlist for 2014’s Word of the Year, and is now in OxfordDictionaries.com. Bae is used as an informal term of endearment for one’s romantic partner, especially among young people in North America. It originated as an abbreviation of baby or babe (and probably not an acronym of ‘before anyone else’, though this has been suggested), and has

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